Planting design and conceptual hardscape're in full remodel mode, maybe new construction. It's virtually a blank slate. In any case, you need a gal with a plan. We'll meet, I follow up with a quote for design services. Upon your approval, I hash out some ideas and a conceptual plan based on our first meeting, we meet again to confer and make finale decisions. Upon completion, the finale design is then forwarded to installers for quotes. I am not a contractor, and I do not guarantee the work of any installer,  but I do provide construction observation services to ensure proper execution of the design. 

Garden rejuvenations... maybe you don't need to go all out. There are lots of things that you like about your landscape, but it's feeling overgrown and tired. In leu of a sketch, you will be presented with a visual planting pallet along with a labor & materials budget. 

Seasonal maintenance... most gardens benefit from seasonal beauty treatments. Quarterly fertilizing and mulching; trimming, accent planting and freshening up potted plants.  Conveniently, the Equinoxes and Solstices line right up with seasonal festivities, so your garden will be looking its best  during these "high traffic" times.